PC Gamer Weekender – Saturday 18th, February 2017

This weekend I had the pleasure of going to the PC Gamer Weekender in London, I had a terrific time. In this article I’m going to walk you around everything that I could get my hands at. I will have more content coming from the event over the next little period of time. Here are my thoughts on what I played

Sonic Mania

Sonic seems to be going back to their roots with this one, what I’m trying to say is if you put both the original Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) and Sonic Mania (2017) in front of me, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I played on the classic green hill zone level and it was exactly how I remember it. That being said Sonic Mania is promising big things (taking lots of the best features from across the sonic games) and looks like it’s shaping up to be a really good game.

Motorsports Manager

This is a game that I can see myself playing loads of, it came out back in 2014 on mobile phones and more recently came to PC at the end of last year, however this is the first time I’ve ever heard and seen gameplay of it. It’s an extremely slow going game, but that just feels right when playing it. Extremely recommend having a go, and I might just head over to steam and buy it now.

Halo Wars II

I didn’t really get much from this game, I played it over at the HP omen booth, it’s okay and I can see how some people might get some entertainment from it, but I didn’t.



This game was soooooooooo gooood!!! I absolutely loved it, it was a really great experience. I spoke to POLYPHONIAs Dev, Blaise Imiolczyk, and he told me:

“The first time I’m doing a VR project was also the first time I was using unreal engine.”

Now that’s awesome because developing a VR game and coming up for an idea that would work well in VR is quite hard, and then factoring in that it’s been done by one person, and then also the factor that it was in an unfamiliar workspace as well… Amazing work!!


Hacktag was the best game I saw at the event, it was really intense and fun to play, and I will definitly pick it up when it comes up. You and a friend are hackers, you have to  help each other to stay hidden, you also both need to steal data, but in this aspect you are actually working against each other, crazy fun.

RAW Data – HTC Vive

Well I can’t talk about the event with out talking about the main reason I wanted to come, the VR demo. I got a 10 minute tryout with the HTC Vive playing a round on RAW Data, and… well… I think… I think I’m in love, VR is so wonderful. The Vive controllers are comfortable in the hand and although the headset is slightly heavier than the oculus, it felt more comfortable in my opinion. The tracking was on point and I would recommend that everyone tries it at some point (either Vive or Oculus, I’ve heard PSVR isn’t as good but maybe that as well).

Now more about RAW Data, this game is so enjoyable, one of my favourite moments of my time in VR there was when a robot was flung towards my face and it scared the shit out of me. I would definitely play again given the chance.

American Truck Simulator – Oculus VR

Oculus was interesting, I played it with a XBox One controller, the headset is light but I didn’t feel comfortable wearing it, however it looks so much cleaner than the vive, but I feel I like the vive more, and i just can’t explain why.

American Truck Simulator is basically just the same as Euro Truck Simulator 2, but different maps, if you know me I love ETS2 so it was great to finally play ATS. I really enjoyed it.

  • Sonic2001

    Ahhh can’t wait for sonic mania!

  • Muhitul Alam

    Great event, and definitely saw some interesting things. HackTag and Bikers & Knights some great potential and thinking about purchasing it some time soon. Can’t wait for this year’s event, really looking forward to it.